Campaigning for Ceres ~ 1 Jun 2015

The spacecraft Dawn, now orbiting and studying Ceres, observed some interesting bright spots on the dwarf planet. Check out this link:

The preceding link is NASA in origin from last February and provides basic data on the search/discovery process. Good ole Google. If you Google to acquire more information about these lights, the usual suspects appear, promoting their latest “scare the pants off the population” agendas.

We know the spots are not grey aliens pointing lasers at what they believe are aircraft cockpits. We know the spots are not cast members of a reality TV show in which people have been dropped off and cast aside demonstrating bad behavior, less than admirable social skills and survival techniques in a quest for prize money and social standing.

Most likely ice formations reflect/refract sunlight into the lenses of the spacecraft’s cameras. Still, it does appear Ceres is signaling... campaigning for something... perhaps horoscopic inclusion.

This week Ceres retrogrades at a few minutes beyond 9 degrees of Aquarius in a trine with Mercury and Asbolus in Gemini. She remains retrograde until mid-September when she resumes prograde motion at just beyond 25 degrees of Capricorn.

Okay, with Mercury in Gemini we’re in a “let’s review what we know about everything” era. A call for a second analysis of all available data is dialed. Asbolus, a centaur and augur, was wise and just - when not intoxicated - and has a particular penchant for reading real time life data in present tense. He represents reading the day and instinctively responding accordingly. Ceres, in Aquarius, issues a call for higher mind purposes, tasks, and campaigns that further the causes of humankind.

Ceres appears to be signaling. Curiously, she was elevated to planet status, a consideration she had in the early days following her “discovery,” or entering the collective awareness of the people on the planet, soon after the finding of Eris. A dwarf planet herself, Eris, despises being snubbed, overlooked, discounted, excluded and all the “you’re not cool like us” suspicion that takes place in status counted society. So here comes, Dawn, a space probe looking to learn about this renewed planet, and Ceres flashes, “Here, I am! Check this out! I got stuff for you to know. Oh, and those astrologers, I have things for them to use in interpretation... if only they would notice and apply my attributes. Know what I mean, Eris?”

We know the myth of Ceres/Demeter taking on the cause of her abducted daughter. She petitioned the highest of the Gods, and in her petition, threatened the destruction of life support (agriculture) for the planet. No matter if she experienced her demise, too. She was mad. She wanted revenge so badly, she forgot the original mission... getting her daughter back and living the good life once again. While she worked out a compromise with her daughter’s underworld status - that of sharing her between the worlds, she did not get everything she wanted and she built herself quite a reputation. In modern negotiation terms, it likely was a distinct win for no party.

Ceres can take on causes and campaigns. She can be successful. She can produce results - after all, she is a planet.

Presently, she stands on the verge of backtracking, conducting a smart pivot in Aquarius. At this moment she calls for activities, platforms and causes that serve the good of all. Over the next three and a half months, she reviews where we have been in the last while regarding protests, rebellions, and opposition to the potentially barnacled policies of status quo. Per her nature, she inspires reconsideration of how to go about effecting (affecting) positive change(s).

Ceres is closest to the Sun in Virgo (3 Vi 33, heliocentric). Solar proximity, perihelion, is where a planet moves fastest and receives what the Sun offers through the shortest distance, thus maximum intensity. At perihelion a planet is obliged to engage in some sort of conscious attention symbiosis with the gravitational ruler of the solar system.

So what are the urgent dang rules when it comes to creating a consciousness-raising campaign?

First, impeccably define the purpose and object.

Organize everything.

Establish a grass roots (she is the goddess of stuff that grows) organization system.

Especially now with Ceres in Aquarius, determine how to conduct cyber-reach to all potentially receptive parties.

Create statements of purpose and in doing so, filter out rightness, righteousness, arrogance, and exclusion (inadvertent and intentional).

When defining what the objective is, focus on solutions instead of jack-hammering problems and what is wrong.

Take the high road. Distill all details for impeccable alignment with the philosophical substrate.

Demonstrate patience, tolerance and inclusion.

The other orbital element to be included (and certainly not neglected) is Ceres’ North Node. Her nodes appear on the ecliptic at 20 Gemini 24 (heliocentric). Duplicity declares itself as intrinsic to any Ceres mission. This sounds like:

Did you walk a mile in their shoes, comfortable or otherwise?

Sure your opposition is wrong and misguided, but do you realize they believe what they believe? Do you know why they believe what they believe?

Do you know how many sides a coin possesses? Three, right? Heads, tails and the edge.

Do you know how many times Mercury (ruler of Gemini) must orbit the Sun for both sides of it surface to receive and reflect solar light? Three.

Do you have a distinction in your mind between causal forces and contributing factors?

Can you envision long-term regarding the effects of the campaign in question?

Will the likely results achieve declared objectives and sustain the overall purpose, thus avoiding dysfunctional compromises?

Is all data at hand taken into consideration?

Certainly, Ceres asks a lot of mind-dizzying questions at the get go. Answering those questions yields thoughtful start-ups, progressive agendas and efforts that work in the direction of original inspiration.

One final thought: Since Ceres spins a lot of words and thoughts, less might be more.

So how about it? Will you cast your vote for the inclusion of Ceres in your horoscope? She wants your vote, and your clear-minded participation in fulfilling even your loftiest objectives.

By the way, Ceres, and the other dwarf planets are included in every consultation I conduct. If you’d like to add some new insights, amalgamate all solar system dwarf planet data bits, use the links below. As well, those Galactic Reports certainly include other far out there, contributing astrological influences. Great way to get a low-cost look at what lies beyond!